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Official Membership Platform

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Official Membership Platform

Membership Registration and Communications system for the restored 12th century Order of the Temple of Solomon, a sovereign non-territorial principality in diplomatic relations.

This Official Membership Platform of the restored Templar Order is not simply a “website”, and not a “social media” site. This is the Registration system, Communications channel, and Content Delivery system of the Order, for all Members to interact with its Government and participate in general membership.

The separate Official Information Site, presenting the Templar Order, and providing all facts and evidence proving its reality and legitimacy, is the primary “Website”, found at the following link:

Official Information Site

Your Connection to the Templar Order

Maintaining your updated Registration and continuing Subscription on this Membership Platform is necessary, as your Official Database record in the Templar institution, and is the only way (1) for the Templar Order to know that you are an active Member, (2) for the Templar Government to match you with Templar missions and opportunities related to your skills and interests, (3) for the Grand Mastery to notice your participation for earned merit, towards earning Chivalry and possibly higher Nobility peerage titles; and (4) for the Order and other Members to find and interact with you for participation in activities and events.

Members:     Please always keep your Profile information updated, by visiting this platform periodically, to ensure that Templar Crown Officers and the Grand Mastery can reliably reach you with effective Contact information.

Full Information on Joining Membership 

This Official Membership Platform provides full and detailed information, complete with all explanations and instructions, on exactly how to join the Templar Order in general membership, and how to participate for a fulfilling membership experience.

Membership Info – All interested potential members should first read the public information pages, which appear on the Navigation bar, as “BENEFITS” presenting the humanitarian, spiritual, personal, community, and tangible benefits of membership , “RULES” explaining the essential rules of Templar membership , and “JOIN US” detailing exactly how to Register and Subscribe to join the Order.

Membership Activates Access to Content

This Official Membership Platform provides access to proprietary members-only educational and multimedia content, relevant to your level of participation:

Training Content – Upon Approval of one’s New Membership Application (with an active Subscription), under the “TRAINING” button, the "Service Level" button will be activated on the Navigation bar when you sign in to this platform, providing access to Download links for the primary Templar Skills Training materials.

Member Content – For all Members maintaining a current Registration and active Subscription, additional features are activated on the Navigation bar when you sign in, including “HOW-TO” instructions on how to use this Membership Platform, “ACTIVITIES” for standing missions and how to best participate, “NOTICES” for announcements, “MEMBERS” to find and connect with other Templars, and “FORUM” to participate in discussions with other Members.

Multimedia Content – Upon receiving one’s first Letters Patent (as a Sergeant, Adjutante or Guardian), the “MEDIA PACKS” button will be activated on the Navigation bar when you sign in to this platform, providing all Download links to the Multimedia Induction Package.

Templar Newsletter – All registered Members with an active Subscription will also receive the community “Templar Times” Newsletter by Email (monthly or bi-monthly), featuring important membership information and announcements on upgrades and opportunities.  On this Membership Platform, the Navigation bar also has a “NEWSLETTERS” button (members only) providing archives of several years of editions, in printable PDF format.

Mobile App Functionality and Setup

This Membership Platform itself is already a fully functioning "Mobile App", optimized for all mobile devices.  This quick and simple setup method will make it launch in the browser, and work perfectly as a Mobile App, for all content pages and membership participation functions:

(1) Open Site – In the mobile web browser, go to: ;

(2) Click Menu – For Android: Tap ‘Menu’ button (three dots); For iPhone Tap ‘Share’ button (square with arrow); For Windows phone: Tap ‘More’ button (three dots);

(3) Add Button – For Android or iPhone: Select “Add to Home screen”; For Windows phone: Select “Pin to Start”;

(4) Name Button – Name the Shortcut Icon as you like, before saving. You can call it “Templar Members”.

Now, whenever you tap that Shortcut Icon as a “Button”, it will directly launch this Membership Platform as a full Mobile App, with all functions. After you Login the first time, it will remember you, and thereafter the Button will directly log you in.

Remember Login & Password to Your Account

Your Account is your Registration in the Official Database, and your direct Communications channel with the Templar Order. Make sure to always keep track of your Login and Password, and Sign In regularly to keep in contact.

If you have difficulty keeping track of the never-ending and always-increasing number of Logins and Passwords which we all rely on for everyday life, make sure to use the Free “LastPass” program, which syncs across all devices. (This is mandatory software for all Templar Crown Officers.)

Copyrights ©️ - All contents and research Copyright ©️ 2019 Order of the Temple of Solomon.  All International Rights Reserved.  The 1979 “Berne Convention on Works” fully protects academic research (Art. 2.1) including selection and arrangement of research (Art. 2.5) and prohibits unauthorized derivative works (Art. 2.3) or adaptations of research (Art. 12).  All unauthorized republication including online is illegal (Art. 9).  “Fair Use” does NOT permit infringement for unfair competition by another non-profit (17 USC 107), which is a criminal offense (17 USC 106, 501(a)) punishable by 10 years imprisonment (18 USC 241; UK Copyright Act §107).