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Official Membership Platform

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How to Join the Templar Order

For those who sincerely desire to serve both God and humanity through the restored Order of the Temple of Solomon from the original Knights Templar, the Grand Mastery welcomes your interest and is eager to become acquainted with you personally. 

The Order regards our Templar Brothers and Sisters as truly a spiritual family, joined by the deepest of bonds – our shared commitment to uphold the highest ideals and greatest inspirations of humanity, and to live by the ancient Code of Chivalry and the Templar Code, through living by the Temple Rule.

It is this legendary dedication to the Holy Spirit through Chivalry, which empowers us to pursue our essential Templar missions as Defenders of All Faith, Guardians of Justice, Champions of the Oppressed, and Keepers of the Sacred Knowledge as the shared heritage of humanity, to once again lead the world into a new Renaissance period.


Official Registration System for Templar Membership 

The Temple Rule of 1129 AD mandates active recruitment of new members, and instructs that "where you know to be gathered [potential] Knights... there we command you to go", to reach out to "anyone who wishes to serve and join the Order" (Rule 12).

Therefore, it is entirely authentic and legitimate for the Templar Order to accept Applications for new members through a Registration system, even online where people “gather” seeking Templarism and “wish to serve” in the Order.

However, the Temple Rule also requires to "not consent immediately to receive" one requesting knighthood or damehood, and to "Test the soul whether it comes from God" (Rule 11), that "first he shall be put to the test... [of] honesty" (Rule 14).

Therefore, such Registration can only be used to join in general membership as a Postulant, and then complete the Service Level Skills Training to become a Sergeant or Adjutante or Temple Guardian. Elevation to Knight or Dame is only by invitation of the Grand Mastery, to be earned by meaningful interaction and demonstrated merit.


Donations by Subscription to Support Operations

The modern Templar Order has removed all artificial economic barriers to membership, and has adapted authentic traditions to modern realities:  The customary substantial “Passage Fee” has been abolished.  The historical practice of “Tithing” is replaced by the new tradition of “Portioning”, as ongoing contributions of a modest monthly non-profit Donation.  

This practice enhances the collective power of a larger membership base to provide for general operations of the humanitarian missions.  Because the Grand Mastery already donated millions of dollars during the first 10 years of the Templar Restoration (before giving up such incomes to pursue full-time Templar missions), the Order has strong foundations driving its forward momentum, giving even small Donations maximum positive impact worldwide.

These Portioning Donations are made in the convenient form of a recurring “Subscription”, simply to maintain an active connection for interactive participation in the Order, through the online Templar Membership Platform. 

As a result, authentic membership in the original Templar Order is granted solely based on merit, is not for any “fee”, is not devalued to any mere “price”, and the standards of membership remain extremely high, to uphold the Templar name.


Benefits of the Templar Membership Platform

The membership Portioning Donations to the Templar Order are in the convenient form of a monthly "Subscription" to the Templar Membership Platform.  This is the official international communications center for active participation in the Order, to ensure a direct connection to Templar events, activities and opportunities.  This user-friendly interactive platform provides the following practical benefits:

  • Direct Communications channel with the Templar Government
  • Receive direct outreach and engagement from the Grand Mastery
  • Earn Chivalry & Nobility status by interactive participation of merit
  • Profiles are Registrations to help match members with opportunities
  • Membership Directory to explore and discover like-minded members
  • Templar Community networking by contacts with private messaging
  • Discussion Forums with Templar moderators and permission filters
  • Multimedia content delivery providing exclusive Templar heritage
  • Email notifications to facilitate effective membership participation
  • Templar Event Calendar for participation in events and gatherings

REMEMBER:     Maintaining your updated Registration and continuing Subscription on this Membership Platform is necessary, as your Official Database record in the Templar institution, and is the only way (1) for the Templar Order to know that you are an active Member, (2) for the Templar Government to match you with Templar missions and opportunities related to your skills and interests, (3) for the Grand Mastery to notice your participation for earned merit, towards earning Chivalry and possibly higher Nobility peerage titles; and (4) for the Order and other Members to find and interact with you for participation in activities and events.


Becoming a Templar - Earned Merit & Initiatory Training

The sacred name of “Templar” must always be earned, and once earned, must be faithfully upheld.  Membership in the Templar Order is for those who are ready to make a deep commitment of service to God and to humanity.  Those who only seek titles and status will likely be disappointed.  Those with a passion to serve, to help the Templars collectively make a real and positive difference in the world, will find their spiritual home in the Order.

All subscribing members have access to the Templar Skills Training program, including periodic updates and supplements.  This robust educational series features painstakingly restored Templar history and heritage, and a practical system for living a life of authentic Chivalry in the modern era. 

This provides the substantial body of traditional initiatory knowledge, for all members to become experts, fully prepared to serve and uphold the restored Order and Templar values, for maximum enjoyment and fulfillment in expressing one’s world-changing role as a genuine Templar.



Click to read the Membership Rules of the Templar Order


Go to the "Subscription Levels" Page to Choose Your Level:


Click to see Subscription Levels to Join Now

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