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Donations for Missions of Real-World Impact

For the Templar Order as an institution, serving the Holy Spirit through Chivalry has real costs, and advancing the Templar missions as Defenders of All Faith, Guardians of Justice, Champions of the Oppressed, and Keepers of the Sacred Knowledge for humanity have substantial expenses.

The monthly “Subscription” Portioning Donations only provide for general operations and basic membership management, allowing the institution to simply exist and function.  However, to continue achieving major accomplishments on real-world Templar missions, Voluntary Donations are necessary, and always needed.



Donations Give Maximum Impact – Due to the worldwide scope of the Templar Order, there is no limit to the amount of Donations which can be effectively used to benefit humanity.  All Voluntary Donations are used exclusively to cover real costs and expenses of meaningfully advancing effective Templar projects and missions of real-world humanitarian impact.

Because the Grand Mastery already donated millions of dollars during the Templar Restoration (before giving up such incomes for full-time Templar missions), the Order already has strong foundations driving its forward momentum, giving all Donations maximum positive impact worldwide.

Donations as Service in Chivalry – The Temple Rule of 1129 AD defines being a Templar as “Holy Service in Chivalry” (Rules 1, 8, 9, 12, 22, 39), and specifies that a major form of such service is making “all offerings and all forms of alms” by Voluntary Donations (Rule 64).

Accordingly, making substantial or repeated Voluntary Donations is an important part of the traditional path of service in Chivalry, as part of demonstrating merit by establishing a track-record of stronger support for Templar humanitarian missions, while supporting the Order to create more opportunities for member advancement, thus resulting in a better experience for all members, and providing greater benefits to humanity.

  Donate to the Order of the Temple of Solomon Foundation


Tax Exempt & Tax Deductible Donations

Not for Profit– The Order of the Temple of Solomon is a “State” as a sovereign “Subject of international law” (1969 Convention on the Law of Treaties, Article 3), thus inherently not-for-profit (“non-profit”) as a public governmental institution.

Tax Exempt – The Templar Order is universally Tax Exempt under international law (1974 Charter of Economic Rights of States, Article 2.1; 2004 Convention on Immunities of States, Articles 1, 2.1(b)(iii)), and any American not-for-profit subsidiary is Tax Exempt by automatic statutory “501(a) Status” as a “civic organization for social welfare” (US Tax Code: 26 USC §501(a)).

Tax Deductible– All donations should be universally Tax Deductible.  All American donations “exclusively for charitable or educational purposes”, to a domestic subsidiary (US Tax Code: 26 USC §170(a)(1); §170(c)(2)) are automatically Deductible.

Other Deduction– For restrictive countries there is an alternative deduction:  All revenues of the Order support its humanitarian missions, and donation is a form of payment for services of “facilitating business development by international government contracting and partnership opportunities”, as an inherent result of its charitable projects, which is legally Tax Deductible as “business expenses”.  In Australia, this allows an automatic “general deduction” of expenses for “producing assessable income” (1997 Tax Act, Section 8-1(1)).


Missions of the Templar Order

The primary missions of the Order and its Foundation are to:  (1) Represent traditional values of Chivalry and nobility in modern society; (2) Promote the principles of Justice including the Common Law and Magna Carta established by the Knights Templar; (3) Restore and preserve ancient knowledge as the collective heritage of humanity to uphold the pillars of civilization; (4) Advance genuine spirituality in religion through inter-faith cooperation while preserving distinct authentic traditions; (5) Conduct humanitarian operations for the sociopolitical well-being of peoples and upholding fundamental human rights and liberties

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